Exciting news as from today you can buy/sell SMART directly at market price without the need of registration nor verification on InstaSwap!
SmartCash (SMART)
SmartCash is a project born out of the desire to create a viable, fast, merchant oriented, user friendly and community driven cryptocurrency with a decentralized governance system. We aim to create the most nimble and fast growing cryptocurrency by aggressively prioritizing block rewards to growing our community, hiring developers, gaining merchant acceptance and via grassroots community outreach efforts and established marketing methods.
SmartCash Benefits?
The self-funding mechanism that pays for the development and encourages members of the community to create their projects to grow and expand the use of SmartCash as a coin all over the globe.
SmartRewards are a price stabilization mechanism and a way to encourage long term holding.
In order to provide a quality merchant experience, having Instant Transactions is a must, therefore, say hello to InstantPay.
InstaSwap is pretty excited to be able to offer it’s user the ability to exchange back an forth their SMART with the following available pairs:
SmartCash’s twin BitcoinConfidential will be announced soon as the next listing on our platform!
For more information about InstaSwap’s & SmartCash mission, visit https://instaswap.io/ & https://smartcash.cc