InstaSwap is a cross-chain, non-custodial, next generation exchange platform that allows users to swap myriad pairs in a fluid market almost instantly at prices that best represent the overall market. In keeping with the theme of self-sovereignty, our commitment to user privacy and security as well never sharing personal data with third parties makes Groestlcoin staunch supporter.
Groestlcoin (GRS) launched on 22 March 2014 with a focus on technological advancement, Groestlcoin (GRS) is SEGWIT and Lightning Network ready! Groestlcoin is a fast and secure coin with almost ZERO fees, that is privacy oriented. The only coin with over 200 repositories of developed work. The coin with the most Electrum public servers. One of the few coins that is officially maintained by the Bitcoin Debian packaging team. The only coin capable of being sent over SMS.
About InstaSwap
InstaSwap is a cross-chain non custodial, next generation exchange platform. Based in Greece, InstaSwap aims to change the way people exchange their tokens.
For more information about Groestlcoin and their mission, visit